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Magnesium Max Drink

Magnesium Max Drink

- Podpira zdrave ravni testosterona
- Priročna in visokokakovostna formula
- Povečuje energijo in zmanjšuje utrujenost
- Podpira mišično funkcijo in zmogljivost
- Neverjeten tropski okus
Regular price €24,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,99 EUR
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So many reasons to love it

BoostyBlend Magnesium Max Drink is tailored specifically for men and will help you experience the power of this essential mineral in supporting your overall health, vitality and performance. Reach your full potential with our premium product designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of men

Let me tell you more

Imagine waking up with boundless energy, ready to conquer the day like a true champion. BoostyBlend Magnesium Max Drink will strengthen your body, eliminate fatigue and give you a feeling of invincibility. No more sluggish starts to the day or midday energy slumps - just pure, unspoiled vitality coursing through your veins.

We know that strength and endurance are essential to your success. That's why this supplement is full of muscle-supporting goodness. It's time to unleash your inner beast and push your limits like never before. Feel the surge of power through every fiber of your being as your muscles respond to the secret weapon that is Magnesium Max Drink.

But this elixir of masculinity won't just benefit your physical prowess. Your mind, the command center of your empire, will experience enhanced clarity, focus, and razor-sharp cognitive function. Wave goodbye to brain fog and say hello to mental sharpness. Take control of every situation, make quick decisions and overcome every challenge that comes your way.

We know that maintaining healthy testosterone levels is critical to fulfilling your masculine mission. That's why our supplement supports your body's natural testosterone production and helps you maintain the masculinity, strength and magnetic charm that defines you as a man. Discover your testosterone-fueled vitality and conquer the world with your undeniable presence.

We've made your life easier, gentlemen. BoostyBlends Magnesium Max Drink fits easily into your daily routine. No complicated rituals or time-consuming tasks. Just mix it into your drink and you're on your way to unlocking your full potential.

Želiš vedeti, kaj je notri?

Na porcijo (3 g):

  • Magnezijev citrat - brezvodni - 2,5 g
  • Magnezij 400 mg (107 % priporočenega dnevnega vnosa)

Druge sestavine: brezvodni magnezijev citrat, citronska kislina, aroma pomaranče, aroma ananasa, aroma limone, sladilo: sukraloza

Kako ga uporabljati?

1 merico (3 g) zmešajte z 200 ml vode in zaužij takoj po fizični aktivnosti ali pred spanjem. Priporočene dnevne količine ali odmerka ne smeš preseči. Prehransko dopolnilo ni nadomestilo za uravnoteženo in raznovrstno prehrano. Hraniti izven dosega otrok.

Kaj je magnezijev citrat in zakaj je koristen za moške?

Magnezijev citrat je mineralni dodatek, ki vsebuje čisti 100 % magnezijev citrat. Ponuja številne koristi za zdravje moških. Magnezij je bistven za proizvodnjo energije, delovanje mišic, zdravje živčnega sistema in vzdrževanje zdrave ravni testosterona. Prav tako podpira zdravje kosti in zob, zaradi česar je idealen dodatek za moške, ki želijo optimizirati svoje splošno dobro počutje in učinkovitost.

Kako magnezijev citrat pomaga zmanjšati utrujenost in dvigniti raven energije?

Magnezijev citrat ima ključno vlogo pri proizvodnji energije in presnovi v telesu. S pospeševanjem sproščanja energije med presnovnimi procesi pomaga v boju proti utrujenosti in povečuje raven energije. Ta dvig energije omogoča moškim, da se z živahnostjo in vitalnostjo lotijo vsakodnevnih dejavnosti.

Kako magnezijev citrat koristi živčnemu sistemu in kognitivni funkciji pri moških?

Magnezij sodeluje pri prenosu živčnih impulzov in podpira splošno zdravje živčnega sistema. Magnezijev citrat z zagotavljanjem optimalne funkcije živcev izboljša kognitivne funkcije, fokus in mentalno jasnost. Moškemu pomaga ostati oster, osredotočen in mentalno agilen, kar mu daje konkurenčno prednost v različnih vidikih življenja.

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